Market Microstructure
In the Blink of an Eye: Exchange-to-SIP Latency and Trade Classification Accuracy, with Craig Holden and Matthew Pierson, working paper.
[SAS code] for the Latency Timestamp-Adjusted (LTA) Method. This code is built on Holden and Jacobsen's (2014) SAS code (v.2018) and incorporates many of the latest changes in Daily TAQ. It also addresses a few newly discovered data issues and offers solutions to clean them.
Relative Best Bid and Offer (RBBO) and RBBO-matched Consolidated Trades (WRCT) are coming on WRDS.
Media coverage: Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) & Europe Economics, "Pre-trade Equities Consolidated Tape," 2024.
Difficulties in Obtaining a Representative Sample of Retail Trades from Public Data Sources, with Robert Battalio, Robert Jennings, and Mehmet Saglam, Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Finance.
Arbitrage the Fast and Slow Networks, work-in-progress
The True Cost of Price Discovery, work-in-progress
Hide and Seek: Information in Daily Odd Lots Order Imbalance, work-in-progress
Can We Identify Order Routing in Daily TAQ?, work-in-progress
A Comprehensive Guide on NYSE Daily TAQ Data, work-in-progress
Stylized Facts from N-SAR, N-CEN, and N-PORT: New Data from WRDS, with Jules Van Binsbergen and Matthew Pierson, work-in-progress
ETF Fragility and Owners, with Veronika Pool and Jayoung Nam, work-in-progress